Pool Removal

An inground swimming pool can be a great asset if it is in good condition and being used. However, if you no longer use your pool or its condition is beyond repair, it can become a liability. If that’s the case, it’s time to consider professional pool removal.

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Ready to dive in with Crest? Fill out the form below to put your pool to rest and reclaim your backyard. It’s about time.

Pool Removal Benefits

If you’re on the fence about having your pool removed, you need to consider the advantages of professional pool removal.


Removing an unwanted pool can reduce your expenses in a couple of different ways. First of all, pool maintenance is expensive. If you're not using it, the money spent on the water, pool chemicals, and electricity is nothing but an unnecessary expense. You need to ask yourself: Is the pool used enough to warrant the cost of maintaining it? If the answer is “no,” then it’s time to consider professional pool removal. Additionally, pool removal will lower the potential for property damage, decreasing the cost of your homeowner's insurance as a result. It will lower the potential of personal injury as well.


If your pool is abandoned in disrepair and no longer in use, it will not only discourage potential buyers but will also decrease your property value. The cost of professional pool removal will easily be offset by the increased value of your property.


Inground pools often take up most of your backyard, leaving little room for other activities or outdoor living features. Professional pool removal will open up your outdoor space to numerous possibilities, allowing you to use the space in a way that best fits your lifestyle.


Inground pools often take up most of your backyard, leaving little room for other activities or outdoor living features. Professional pool removal will open up your outdoor space to numerous possibilities, allowing you to use the space in a way that best fits your lifestyle.

Pool Removal Services

Partial Removal

Partial pool removal involves draining the pool, disconnecting utilities, and removing any pool accessories. The pool is only partially demolished, causing it to collapse. Depending on whether the pool is fiberglass or concrete, the rubble is either hauled away and disposed of, or left to be included with the material used to fill the pool. The fill is compacted and prepared for a final inspection.

Complete Removal

A complete pool removal takes the partial removal one step further, demolishing the entire pool and hauling the rubble away. The remaining hole is also filled and compacted in preparation for a final inspection. While a complete removal involves more work, it will cost more than partial removal. However, because all of the rubble is taken away, complete removal can reduce the possibility of seepage or sinking.

Pool Removal Experts

When you’re ready to have your pool removed, you want to hire a company with the experience and equipment to complete the job thoroughly and safely. Crest Construction Group provides quality pool removal services.

 Our services include:

Contact Crest Construction

When you’re ready to have your pool removed, you want to hire a company with the experience and equipment to complete the job thoroughly and safely. Crest Construction Group provides quality pool removal services.

Ready to dive in with Crest? Fill out the form below to put your pool to rest and reclaim your backyard. It’s about time.

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